Extinction Rebellion Uses Canoe to Disrupt Washington Gas-Sponsored Holiday Boat Parade
Rebels insert demand to stop Project Pipes to alert residents about the danger Washington Gas poses to the community
Washington, DC – This evening, Extinction Rebellion DC (XRDC) used a canoe to interrupt the Washington Gas-sponsored Holiday Boat Parade at the Wharf and demand an end to Project Pipes. Project Pipes is Washington Gas’ $4.5 billion methane gas pipeline replacement project that will severely damage residents’ health, lock DC into decades more fossil fuel pollution, and force residents to foot the bill.
Photo by Extinction Rebellion DC
Three rebels rowed a canoe into the path of the boat parade with a lit-up banner reading “STOP PROJECT PIPES.” Meanwhile, another rebel narrated the action through a megaphone on shore, explaining what Project Pipes is and its connection to Washington Gas and the boat parade. Following the boat’s entry to the parade, rebels chanted “Stop Project Pipes” and sang climate carols, parodies of holiday tunes that focus on the climate crisis and Washington Gas’ dirty deeds.
“Washington Gas’ sponsorship of the DC Holiday Boat Parade is a distraction from their dirty Project Pipes and the daily damage they inflict on DC residents. They are exploiting a joyful community event to manipulate residents and snatch thousands of dollars from their pockets for the benefit of multinational CEOs. We joined the parade to bring Washington Gas’ manipulation to light,” said Claire (she/her), organizer with Extinction Rebellion DC. “We all deserve to breathe clean air and celebrate the holidays free of fossil fuel filth. Washington Gas has spread their lies of community care while polluting our communities for too long. The DC Council has the power to stop this project, and together we can act to ensure they do.”
This action comes one day after Mayor Muriel Bowser released her new Carbon Free DC plan at COP 28 to make DC carbon-neutral by 2045. Project Pipes makes meeting this goal impossible to achieve. The plan calls for a phaseout of fossil fuel infrastructure, including gas-powered appliances, making additional investment in Washington Gas’ fossil fuel pipeline a waste of time and money.
The methane Washington Gas pumps into residents’ homes pollutes the air with a cocktail of toxins that severely damage health, leading to premature death, respiratory illness, and cancers like leukemia. Outside, methane leaks contribute to the formation of smog, which is also a cause of premature death. Methane leaks also put residents in direct danger of fires and explosions – a very real risk in DC where over 70% of leaks are at hazardous levels, so they could explode at any moment.
Since Washington Gas will stop at nothing to complete this project, it is up to the DC Council to step in and direct the DC Public Service Commission to end Project Pipes and fully commit to the Carbon Free DC plan.
As long as the DC Council allows Washington Gas to continue to spend billions of ratepayer dollars to replace the District’s gas system, DC will fail to meet its own climate targets and protect its constituents. The Council must act now to Stop Project Pipes.