XRDC Covid-19 Response
We hope this message finds you staying safe and healthy in body, mind and spirit. In just a few short weeks, the entire social and political context of our Rebellion - and our lives - has been transformed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Like so many individuals, families, and communities, we are working to wrap our minds around the many dimensions of this crisis.
XRDC has prepared a short list of coronavirus resources. That can be viewed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eUXx528uhl0EuiWwFkJmun4BuN6k6YQryxb7rFY1miI/edit
We have been holding discussions within our leadership circle, working groups, and general membership to discern how XRDC's work can continue in these challenging and ever-evolving conditions. These discussions are ongoing, but here are some of our commitments:
We will work to support our most vulnerable members of our community by connecting to and uplifting existing mutual aid efforts. Our friends at ShutdownDC have shared a spreadsheet of mutual aid efforts in DC - check it out here. Rebels on the XRDC Keybase can also join our #MutualAid channel to give and receive support directly from each other.
We will support rebels and everyday people in connecting with themselves and each other as they process grief, hope, fear, and existential distress. We are planning on offering online support circles several times a week for Rebels and the general public. These circles may include meditation, peer support, yoga, and other restorative practices. Make sure to regularly check our events page at https://xrdc.org/events as we settle into a regular schedule.
We will use this time to build skills and organizational capacity. XRDC is hoping to make the most out of our collective social distancing time over the next few weeks by offering a series of online trainings. We want to continue building up our organizational capacity as much as possible to prepare for our next mass mobilization. You can find a list of our upcoming online trainings here: https://xrdc.org/training
We will move rapidly to re-imagine what nonviolent resistance looks like in a pandemic. This challenge will require us to be creative in designing impactful actions that do not require mass gatherings. Our actions over the next few months will most likely revolve around small teams of highly trained rebels taking bold action, in line with recommendations from the CDC. Stay tuned for updates as action ideas develop.
During this time of social distancing, we will place a strong emphasis on amplifying our digital activism. Social media and digital platforms give us space to lift our collective voice and take action from home. Our Media and Messaging Working Group is hard at work imagining creative online actions that invite mass participation. Our first call to action is a request for photos and videos of life under quarantine. Please upload your images here. We’re collaborating with XR chapters nationally and globally as well as fellow climate movements on this mission.
We are also brainstorming ways to use art and beautiful visuals to promote our principles and demands. Our Art Working Group is looking for more creatives to help us imagine new design ideas that will drive interest in XRDC, leading to more people knowing about us and wanting to join us. XRDC is also hoping to put up a legal mural! We are looking for wall space in DC on which we can paint. Do you own a wall or know of a wall we could make some beautiful art on? Please email the art group with recommendations, ideas, or questions, or to get more involved, at hopminn@aol.com.
If you want to get more involved with any of the work areas outlined above, the best way to get plugged in is to join one of our Intro to XR calls. These take place every Wednesday at 730pm and every Sunday at 4pm. You can find more info and register here: https://xrdc.org/intro
We will strategize at the local, national, and international level to ensure that our society does not return to business as usual. The coronavirus is highlighting the extreme disparities that exist within our society, with the most vulnerable among us being hit hardest, as well as the dysfunction of our systems, especially our incompetent government and our criminally exploitative health care system. These same issues will continue to be exacerbated by the worsening climate crisis.
But the coronavirus pandemic has also revealed that global action at speed is possible, that lifestyles and habits can change overnight. These changes will need to outlive the pandemic if we are to reverse the climate and ecological emergency. We all must work to communicate that the climate crisis is just as urgent and requires just as deep of a response.
It is more important than ever to remember that Extinction Rebellion exists to protect life, both now and for future generations. Right now, public health needs to be our number one priority, as we listen to advice from the scientific community and care for those who are most vulnerable. We must #TellTheTruth, and we need #EverybodyNow. We are grateful to be in this Rebellion with you.
With Love and Rage,